Vedfirms – Rent Nitrogen Gas Plant

One of the first portable oxygen generators, the POGS 33 unit, was deployed to Samoa in 2014 to fight the measles epidemic. It provides 30 liters of oxygen per minute, and is self-contained and requires minimal maintenance. These units are easy to transport and operate independently or in a combination. They can fill cylinders and operate medical equipment.

A PSA nitrogen generator works by injecting a high pressure nitrogen gas into a tank. The air passes over an adsorbent that inhibits the formation of nitrogen gas.

This new system utilizes a membrane to separate oxygen from nitrogen and passes it over a highly skidded and modular adsorbent material. The engineered adsorbent material binds oxygen and nitrogen and then exits the system.

PSA Nitrogen Plant Manufacturer, in association with India-based Siddharth S Kirlosha, has launched an innovative process called the ‘First Draft’ stage for the introduction of the new NITROGEN product.