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Oxygen Generators for Disaster Relief

Oxygen Generators for Disaster Relief

With global warming being the number one environmental issue of our time Oxygen Generators for Disaster Relief is becoming more popular with natural disaster preparedness. With the way things are being made simpler and cheaper to produce, and our dependence on foreign oil, a generator like this will only make our lives easier when it is needed. If you are prepared for a disaster or a natural disaster, this type of generator will give you the advantage in time of need.

You will find that there are many different types of these generators available and some use liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and diesel while others use pressurized carbon dioxide. There is a third option called Oxygen-by-Wire, which is a newer design that uses the pressure of surrounding air to turn a turbine. All generators will give off some emissions and they should always be vented. The emissions from an Oxygen generator are also very minimal and clean, they do not harm the environment in any way.

These generators also come in two basic styles. The low voltage model runs just fine on just a small battery and has less power than their high voltage counterparts. In addition, it requires less maintenance. The higher voltage models use an alternative fuel source and can run up to a 5 amp hour battery. These generators are also very quiet and easy to install.

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