Nitrogen gas plant manufacturers in India are following up the success of their American counterparts who have grown into one of the world’s largest manufacturers of on-site nitrogen generators. The US market for on-site Nitrogen generators is now a two-to-one ratio with Brazil being the major outbound customer. India, too, is fast catching up as the world leader in Nitrogen generators for residential and commercial applications. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Indian companies have been able to refine their Nitrogen gas generator systems using state-of-the-art technologies and come up with products that are now the choice of industrial and residential customers all over the world.
As per IGIH (International Journal of Hydrometrics), India has emerged as the world leader in Nitrogen gas plant manufacturers. In fact, as per the latest report by Frost & Sullivan, India has become the single largest provider of nitrogen gas plant ingredients, including on-site generators, through sales in the fiscal year 2021. In the same report, they also pointed out that there has been an unprecedented rise in the demand for Nitrogen products from other leading Nitrogen gas plant manufacturers, particularly Brazil. It is estimated that the demand for Nitrogen products from Brazil will double itself in the next five years. In order to meet the projected demand of Nitrogen products from Brazil and across the other countries, Indian companies are focusing more on their Nitrogen gas plant manufacturing capabilities and production infrastructure.
Nitrogen gas is one of the vital nutrients required in the life cycle of plants, animals, etc. Plants require Nitrogen in the form of Nitrates to grow, thrive and multiply. Animals need Nitrogen as a fuel source to survive and grow. So, it makes a lot of sense to utilize the power of Nitrogen and create an enormous source of this valuable resource in this fast-growing world.
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