Vedfirms – Rent Nitrogen Gas Plant

How Nitrogen Generators are Used in a Laboratory Environment

How Nitrogen Generators are Used in a Laboratory Environment

In a laboratory environment, nitrogen is an essential element to maintain the atmosphere. Labs are required to use a large amount of this gas for critical applications. Fortunately, there are nitrogen generators available that can help you save time and money, and improve the functionality of your lab’s equipment. This article will outline the benefits of using nitrogen generators for your lab. You can read more about the benefits of nitrogen generation in a laboratory environment, and then decide whether it’s right for you.

Membrane nitrogen generators use membrane technology to produce nitrogen gas. These devices are made of a thin layer of carbon molecular sieves that are inserted into a cylindrical membrane. Compressed air is then passed through the membrane, absorbing oxygen. A filtration system removes contaminants of oxygen from the nitrogen gas. The result is a pure gas. The purification of the nitrogen gas is highly dependent on the quality of the carbon molecular sieves (CMS). The more CMS are used, the higher the purity of the gas.

Operating costs: PSA and membrane systems are more expensive than their membrane counterparts. The difference is primarily due to the difficulty in removing oxygen down to fractions of one percent. The more precise the purification, the more expensive it will be. Fortunately, generator maintenance is easy and simple for lab technicians. However, if your lab doesn’t have compressed house air, you’ll need to add an integrated air compressor, which can make upkeep more complicated. Typically, you will get a service contract for the Nitrogen generator to keep your nitrogen-free gas at a constant level.