Vedfirms – Rent Nitrogen Gas Plant

Nitrogen Safety with Oxygen Deficiency Monitors


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Nitrogen Safety with Oxygen Deficiency Monitors


Gas related injuries often take place at manufacturing facilities, laboratories, heat-treating facilities, research centres etc. Many times the cause of such injuries is oxygen deficiency. Oxygen can be depleted as a result of leakage of stored or piped inert gases such as nitrogen, helium, argon, carbon dioxide, sulphur hexafluoride, etc. If oxygen levels drop to 14-16%, individuals exposed to those levels may become disoriented and confused. When a sustained exposure to oxygen levels of less than 10% takes place, fainting, convulsions, and death may result. The first line of protection to help prevent injury and/or death is the use of an oxygen deficiency monitor(s).

Oxygen Deficiency Monitors For Nitrogen Generators

Oxygen monitors continually checks oxygen in the room. Since a nitrogen leak displaces oxygen, the monitors give alarm when there’s a nitrogen leak and alert employees before the atmosphere becomes oxygen deficient.

VedFirms nitrogen generation system comes with oxygen monitors. Monitor’s clear digital display can be easily seen from a distance, so employees can be assured that everything is working properly when they see oxygen levels. VedFirms oxygen deficiency monitors check and display oxygen level accurately. It works perfectly in different environments. Our monitors do not require much maintenance.

Contact us to find out how you can increase the business productivity as well as create safe working environment with our nitrogen generation system equipped with oxygen monitors.

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