Vedfirms – Rent Nitrogen Gas Plant

Nitrogen – Properties & Uses

It is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas that is the most abundant element in atmosphere. The earth’s atmosphere consists of 78% of nitrogen. Free nitrogen is found in many meteorites, in gases of volcanoes, mines, and some mineral deposits. It also occurs in rain and soil.

Nitrogen gas is clean, dry and inert. It does not react with any substance. Due to its properties, it can be used for the protection of valuable products against harmful contaminants.

Applications of nitrogen:

  • Nitrogen is important to the chemical industry. It is used to make fertilisers, nitric acid, nylon, dyes and explosives.
  • Nitrogen gas is also used to provide an unreactive atmosphere. It is used in this way to preserve foods.
  • In the electronics industry, it is used during the production of transistors and diodes.
  • In the electrical industry nitrogen is used to prevent oxidation and other chemical reactions, to pressurize cable jackets, and to shield motors.
  • Large quantities of nitrogen are used in annealing stainless steel and other steel mill products.
  • Liquid nitrogen is often used as a refrigerant. It is used for storing sperm, eggs and other cells for medical research and reproductive technology.
  • It is also used to rapidly freeze foods, helping them to maintain moisture, colour, flavour and texture.

For carrying out many such industrial processes, onsite nitrogen generators are used. VedFirms nitrogen gas generators are reliable and efficient. They provide a continuous flow of nitrogen. If you want to know how VedFirms nitrogen generation plants can help your business, contact us today.

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