How a Nitrogen generator works is a fascinating process that may not be completely understood. You may have seen a commercial or two for a Nitrogen generator system. The commercials are quite interesting and they show how the system actually works. Nitrogen gas is used to create energy and that is why it is a great source for a generator. They have many uses, but most are used for research and development purposes.
How a Nitrogen generator works is based on the reaction that occurs between the two types of fuel: nitrogen gas and oxygen. Nitrogen gas generators produce electricity by using the reaction between the two to split water molecules in order to create energy. This is known as the electrolysis process and it occurs every time you take a breath in fresh air or eat something. The process is also used to separate oxygen from water to create usable oxygen gas and this is what happens inside of many of your spare parts.
A Nitrogen generator works a little differently but it is still based on the same principle. The only real difference is that instead of splitting water molecules with electricity the Nitrogen generator splits oxygen molecules. In order to get price value from a Nitrogen generator you want to figure out how much power is generated by taking the amount of oxygen molecules that are split and then multiplying it by the amount of power that is generated. So, if you divide the number of molecules that are separated by one hundred percent you will get the power that is generated by the Nitrogen generator. Now you know you have to get price values for each type of spare part.