The costs of delivering nitrogen to your site are quite high. Your resources and time could be better spent on other tasks. With on-site nitrogen generation, you can calculate the cost per thousand cubic feet (CFFs) produced and how much money you save on gas delivery. A typical system will pay for itself in nine to 24 months. On top of that, you can reduce regular operational costs to just $0.11/CFF.
In addition to the upfront costs, on-site nitrogen generation can also cut your costs on liquefied nitrogen. This type of nitrogen is 80% more expensive than gas, so a 40-80% savings is not unreasonable for a manufacturing facility. The ROI of on-site nitrogen generation depends on the current market price of liquid-nitrogen. Depending on your location, it can cost from $0.35 to $1.50 per hundred cubic feet. However, if you have a large-scale production facility, your costs may be much higher.
On-site nitrogen generation systems can generate the same amount of nitrogen as traditional, industrial-sized generators. However, the cost of operating the system can exceed the return on investment. Nevertheless, the ROI of nitrogen generation depends on the cost of maintaining the system and on the ongoing cost of servicing the equipment. If you use a spiral compressor, you will save around 30-40% of the installation cost.
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